opts: ConnectionPoolOptionsRest
...args: any[]Static
resurrectEmpties the connection pool.
Returns an alive connection if present,
otherwise returns a dead connection.
By default it filters the master
only nodes.
It uses the selector to choose which
connection return.
opts: getConnectionOptionsMarks a connection as 'alive'.
If needed removes the connection from the dead list
and then resets the deadCount
Marks a connection as 'dead'.
If needed adds the connection to the dead list
and then increments the deadCount
Removes a new connection to the pool.
If enabled, tries to resurrect a connection with the given resurrect strategy ('ping', 'optimistic', 'none').
callback: ((isAlive: boolean, connection: Connection) => void)(isAlive, connection)
Update the ConnectionPool with new connections.
Generated using TypeDoc
Adds a new connection to the pool.