Interface NextIdentityCognito<T>

class: NextIdentityCognito

  • extended information w/ cognito identity.

Type Parameters

  • T = any



accessKey?: string

(optional) access-key used to sign.

accountId: string

account-id of AWS Credential

apiKey?: string

(optional) api-key if applicable.

caller?: string

(optional) caller string like AROXXXXXX:CognitoIdentityCredentials from APIGatewayEventIdentity

  • available since 3.1.1
error?: string

(optional) internal last-error message

  • if this is not empty, then DO NOT use this object.


ver3.1.2 2022/MAY/15

gid?: string

group-id (group id)

identityId: string

identity-id of cognito.

identityPoolId: string

identity-pool-id of cognito

identityProvider?: string

authenticated provider of cognito like ','

lang?: string

prefered language (like 'ko')

  • use x-lemon-language header, or in x-lemon-identity


ver2.2.3 2020/JUL/15

meta?: T

something unknown having the original data.

roles?: string[]

roles (like user, admin, super)

sid?: string

site-id (like domain group)

uid?: string

user-id (user id)

userAgent?: string

user-agent string like 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_4)'

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